
Here we are, drowning while also on fire in $CURRENT_YEAR. Hello, welcome.


I am a human person of female configuration, in mid-30s, living on the east coast of the USA, working with Internet garbage and wrangling cats. I'm not fully anonymous... but I'm not going to plaster my name in an easily-Googleable fashion onto this, either. Your discretion is appreciated.



I need a thing, a central place, to actually polish and publish my dribbling awful thoughts. Having a final "published" state is important to my brain's workflow. It's not real unless you talk about it, right?

Sometimes it's even fun to look back at your own smears of bloody, corn-flecked shit like, "bro what was I even thinking, what a moron." That painful idiot-cringe is, apparently and so I'm told, the painful feeling of growth.

Oh, right, and of course, other people: they totally exist and sometimes they appreciate your chaos-trash-thoughts. Who knew? I do deeply enjoy the quiet sharing of things with people I actually know. If you are reading this, I'm sorry for you.

I'm not sure I want to share things on the truly public internet, given what a hellfire dumpster it has become. My nightmare is serious-posting and getting front paged and being widely disseminated. Anonymous, invisible lurking and hiding away from the world at large is mostly my preferred modus operandi. The idea of fame or even public attention is not my cup of tea. Not that any of the drivel I spout is worth any attention.


Email me your commentary, I welcome it. If you don't know my email... please kindly take your commentary, fold it neatly, and place it in the nearest wastebasket. Application of fire is encouraged.