

reSLAPtcha is some goofery that arose from a work conversation, as things tend to do. I was sitting on Zoom with a coworker, and he typed "recapccha" or some similar typo into the chat, taken from some client request or other. I AFKed and took a break to sit outside for a few minutes after this (everyone needs some existentially-driven gazing off into the distance in today's world, after all).

During such blankly staring life-contemplation time, the idea for "reSLAPtcha" was born. Essentially... a method of authenticating users by having them slap themselves in the face for their camera.

My wonderful coworker came up with the idea for Simone Giertz to create a robot for the service. A hyper-charged nattering conversation occurred, naturally. And, later that night, vomitous Tailwind components, free stock images, and some super relevant testimonials bore out the reSLAPtcha genius.

Another coworker, also excellent, later proposed the hilarious mental image of scammers and spammers trying to bypass reSLAPtcha. Waves of thunderous slaps echoing through a spam warehouse as desperate humans slap themselves silly in attempt to bypass reSLAPtcha.

Please, for the love of all that is holy, do not allow Elon Musk to ever know about reSLAPtcha. He will implement it, and humanity will be worse off.