Weird Old Computer Stuff Owned by a Nuclear Physicist

I bought some weird old computer stuff from an auction in Montclair, New Jersey.

Some cool stuff:

  • Old school Apple stickers.
  • A horizontal IBM 300PL. It goes into BIOS but not past it: the hard drive is making a monstrous clacking sound.
  • A vertical ivory-colored XP era computer.

It's cooler that this stuff was all owned by a nuclear physicist who helped with the Three Mile Island meltdown. His name was John Luoma.

In 1971 he joined the nuclear fuels group at General Public Utilities Corporation (later GPU Nuclear Corp.) in Parsippany, NJ. At GPUN, as manager of TMI Fuels Projects, he specialized in reactor core reload design and fuels contracting, primarily providing technical support for the two Three Mile Island nuclear reactors in Pennsylvania. After the 1979 TMI-2 accident John's expertise was integral to plant recovery. He retired in 1997.

Not sure what to do with all of it yet. Some of it went to Ebay, some of it is still sitting in my basement.